So Thursday night I picked Jarom up from the train station, we dropped off Marty and headed back to Rancho. We got back super late and crashed. Then on Friday Jaroms parents came. Friday was frantic as we were trying to get everything ready and setting up all the new stuff I got at Bed Bath and Beyond. They came and we talked for a couple hours. After we went and got something to eat. It was Rahns birthday so we let him decided. I guess there's this really good BBQ place up here so we went to check it out. It was an 1 hour and 45 min wait and they decided to wait. It was a long wait as I was very tired and hungry but it was also fun as we just walked around the mall. We were finally seated around 10 and were done by 11.
It was good but nothing compared to Phils. I think that's the one restaurant we don't have here! Well we came home and went straight to bed. :] Then the next morning they watched movies while I slept in. We got up and got ready for the day. Went to the institute and played around for a while.
Dan and Ammon
Jarom and Rachelle, Rahn and Sue
After we got some Subway and came home and watched Inception (Daniel's catching up on his movies.) They were watching the movie very intently!
Then they went to S.D and we followed shortly after. Sunday we went to La Mesa 2 ward to see Jaroms grandparents and our friends the Mackays. Matt was teaching Sunday school also and Jarom wanted to see him. We went by there house after church and Matt helped me with my new anniversary gift (a new camera and also a future post :]).
The kids LOVED Jarom like all kids do! I can't wait to have kids and watch him be a daddy!
We had dinner with them and then went and saw my Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Bernice in La Jolla because it was his birthday on Monday the 8th (also our anniversary:]).

We talked with them for a while and then came home. Monday was our anniversary and we spent the day with Jaroms family having a pool party.
I have to admit probably not my first choice on how to spend my anniversary but I wouldn't have missed it and it was great to be with everyone. :]
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