Sunday, July 28, 2013

Utah Family Reunion

The first week of July was the Utah family reunion. The first official family reunion for just Rahn, Sue, and their kids. It was really nice to be with everyone. The only downside was families share everything, including illness. We all got really sick and it was hard to recover being at someone else's home. Levi wasn't sleeping well in the pack n' play (which meant we weren't sleeping well) plus on top of having a cold he had 4 teeth come in. Poor guy!

Anyway we tried to have some fun while we were up there...

Watching a little morning TV with the cousins (and uncle)

At the water park

Lake day

Climbing the stairs

4th of July water games and fireworks

Playing the piano with grandma

We went to Salt Lake for the day but we were all feeling pretty lousy and it was so hot. We were all feeling a little blah.

When we got home we had two weeks worth of mail that you loved to play with.

I forgot to mention that on the way up we stopped at some model homes with was perfect for you. It was nice and col plus you could crawl around. 

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