Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A is for Apple is Amazing!!

About 1 year ago Jarom and I got a laptop from apple and with it came my iPod touch. Ever since then there have been times were I'm really into the iTouch and then times when it's dead for 2 months. Then I pull it out, update it, add some new games, and I'm into it again. :] Well this is one of those times. And the reason is because of this...

Yes this is the Apple T.V! Jarom got it for Christmas from my Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Bernice. We love it. It has the usual... netflix, movies you can rent instantly, youtube, etc. and it also has a mobile me account. This account is for your pictures. You put all the pictures "in the cloud" or on this account and then if something happened to your computer you still have all your pictures saved on this account. Well since Mobile Me is on Apple T.V we have all of our pictures/videos on the T.V and we can get some pretty cool slideshows of our pictures.

Anyway the point of this is because apple T.V has inspired me to use my iTouch again and this is why...

You may be wondering what this is. It is a remote. THEE remote app for the iTouch/iPhone. So when I'm watching something on the Apple T.V I can control everything from my iTouch. You maybe thinking "so what... that's what you do with a regular remote" which is true but for some reason this is more fun. Plus it doesn't have to be pointing at the T.V so I can control everything from any room. I don't know why but it's just better. Haha.

Also Jarom and I love listening to Mormon Channel or Pandora and we can play those from our phone and sync it to the T.V and listen to it from the T.V speakers instead of our little iTouch speakers. :]

And last but not least... the last reason why I've gotten back into the iTouch is because of this...

Now when I go somewhere I have a bunch of books all right there at my fingertips without having to bring anything. Plus they have a ton of stuff for free... today I got "Mansfield Park", "Wuthering Heights", "Emma", "Sense and Sensibility", "Pride and Prejudice", "The Book of Mormon" and "Taming of the Shrew" all for FREE!

I love my iTouch. The only this I want more is the iPhone but you have to pay for that every month. The iTouch is a one time deal. Plus I don't want to get the iPhone and then have it dead every 2 months. Hahaha I feel like I should prove myself with my iTouch first. :]

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