Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Grove

Before we went to the Grove we were at the LA Temple. Mary wanted us to do her Grandparents work. It was such an honor and wonderful experince. Then after we went to have dinner at the Grove.

 This trolley was pretty pointless but cool. It just went up and down the middle of the street to get you from one side of the mall to the other. But with how long it took to get everyone on you could have walked it faster. Anyway it was pretty cool and we rode it while we were waiting to be seated.

Looking at "The Grove" from the trolley.

Me, Jarom, Mary, and Phil

Walking around.

Jarom and I also went to check out the Apple store of course! Only apple would have a chic glass staircase going up to their second story. :]

Then we had Cheesecake Factory (YUM) and ate on that balcony. It was so nice and delicious! 

 They had an escalator going up to their second story. They also had stairs and an elevator. How many forms of transportation do you need to get to a second story? 

It was a great spiritual night with good food and great friends.

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