Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Not to complain but... I'm going to complain

Why am I going to complain? Because I'm in pain and very sleepy. I should probably wait to do this post when it's not 3 am but to late. And it probably seems very ironic that I'm doing this post right after I talk about being stronger but like I said, I still have bad days.

Wow pregnancy is nothing what I expected and everything I expected. I'd heard about the heartburn, needing to pee all the time, constant uncomfort/lack of sleep, muscle cramps, back pain,  etc. Let's just say so far on the pregnancy front, nothing has really surprised me.

On the other hand when it comes to being pregnant with CF, that is another story. Of course it's not all CF, part of it is that I've been lucky enough to catch 2 illnesses since I've been pregnant. Who would have thought!! Although just a blurb; I used to get sick a lot as a kid (when I was getting a flu shot every year.) Then when I got married I decided to stop getting flu shots and I really haven't been sick since (an occasional cold.) Well my doctors pressured me into getting a flu shot this year when I became pregnant and I have had 2 of the worst illnesses since who knows when. Coincidence... maybe?! I'll let you be the judge. I don't want  to offend anyone who is pro flu shot but I have my personal ideas. :]

Anyway in my last blog I posted that I had become very sick and received a PICC line. Things were getting better but I would have days when I would feel a set back so we (me and my doctors) decided to go with a 3rd week of antibiotics. Things were going fine until Friday morning at 5am when I woke up with some intense nausea. Finally at 6am I puked everywhere. The throwing up/nausea lasted for 21 hours until I finally went into labor and delivery at 1am to get some fluids and have the baby monitored.  They got me some nausea medication around 2am (right as I was about to go for my 9th round of throwing up) and then started the fluids. It was heaven. I finally got some sleep and my sweet husband arrived at the hospital at 3am (he started driving down from Rancho at 1am since I was in SD with my family when all of this took place.)

We left the hospital at noon the next day and after some recovery time drove back home late Monday night. I've been feeling a lot better until about 3 hours ago. I started having some intense pain in my lungs and I'm coughing up a ton of thick sticky mucus. What?! It's like how it was before I even started the I.V's. My lungs are on fire. It hurts just to breathe. It feels a lot like pleurisy (where the lining of the lungs become inflamed and it hurts to breathe or cough) and I have a feeling my doctor will say that's pretty much what it is, caused from all the intense throwing up I did. I just don't understand why the pain has to come in the middle of the night. Has that ever made since to anyone that the middle of the night always seems to be with worst when you're the sleepiest and then you just want to cry because you're so tired and in pain?

Now I'm sitting in our recliner in the living room writing this while Jarom sleeps. I finally came out because he has to leave to visit seminary classes and I knew I was keeping him awake with all my coughing not to mention I need something to keep my mind off everything. What a better way to keep your mind off something then write all about it? :]

Oh my. Not that things will be "easier" when the baby comes but do I want him here. I feel like all my sicknesses have been worse with him inside (like being super nauseated and having him kick me and moving everywhere or not feeling like I can breathe without pain and feeling him push up against my lungs.) Of course when he's here I'll just worry about getting him sick so I guess it's a toss up.


Lindsay Rondo said...

Awww Tayler! This doesn't sound fun. I'm glad you were able to get some fluids back in you and I hope you got some sleep!! I too am not a fan of flu shots. I'm so excited for your baby coming! I hope he comes soon! Love you and I hope things get better.-Lindsay

Holly & Matt said...

Tayler, that sounds so awful. I hated my first pregnancy because of all the normal pregnant lady things.. I cannot even imagine how terrible you're feeling with the nausea and all the CF stuff on top of it. I hope you can get some rest soon :( And like you said, it won't be easier in some ways when he comes, but it will be in a lot of ways because you'll have some physical relief! I will keep you in my prayers. Pretty soon you'll have a sweet little bundle that you will love to pieces!
Holly Wells

Marisa said...

I think you can complain all you want. At least to me you can. I think pregnancy is miserable enough (no one really tells you what to expect until you are expecting and then it's tooooo late to do anything about it). I can't imagine having to do it with your extra challenges. So if you ever need a listening ear, even at 3 in the morning... I got your back. :-)

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